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I would be one of his first patients to be treated with TURis - a new piece of kit that allows surgeons to pare away some of the prostate gland so you can pass water more easily. In September, I was referred to Simon Woodhams, a urologist at the hospital, who suggested I undergo a new procedure that was being trialled. We abandoned our trip and an ambulance took me to Worthing Hospital at 10pm to get a catheter fitted to drain my bladder - they took away four litres of urine.Īfter that, I had to wear a catheter all the time - more than anything, it was an inconvenience and I was keen to be rid of it. The pills worked well.īut in May, when my wife Beryl and I were getting ready to go to France on holiday, my bladder suddenly seized up and I couldn’t pass any water for 18 hours.

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I knew that the prostate gland, which is near the bladder, can grow as you get older, causing problems urinating.Īfter a couple of years, I told my GP, who put me on Tamsulosin tablets to relax the muscle and, later, Finisteride to shrink the prostate. I was getting up at least once an hour at night to go to the loo, so was always tired, and often had to rush to the toilet to avoid having an accident. 'About ten years ago, I started having problems with my bladder,' said Frank JonesĪbout ten years ago, I started having problems with my bladder.

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